Handoff cart to Recharge checkout with Javascript

The following code lets you send a specific subscription item from a product or category page to checkout. This may be necessary if you want to send customers to the Recharge checkout for subscription items, then ensure sure customers checkout via a custom checkout for with a onetime item.

In this scenario after the customer completes checkout for the subscription product, if they were to come back to the storefront the onetime item would still be in their cart and they'd complete checkout via the custom checkout.

Place the following code in the footer of the store. See Using Script Manager for more information.



You should replace the sample URL in the storeDomain function with your store URL.

Product Page

    function addQuickCart() {
    //---- Product & Subscription Settings ----\\
    const storeDomain = "{{you-store-domain}}.mybigcommerce.com" // Replace with your domain
    const subscriptionButtonText = 'Subscribe now'
    const product = {
        id: 117,
        variantId: 85,
        price: 7000,  // Price in cents
        weight: 6169,  // Weight in grams
        title: "Subscription Box",
        subtitle: "Recurring subscription every 3 months",
        order_interval_unit: "month",  // Can be "day", "week", or "month"
        order_interval_frequency: 3,  // Default value for how often the subscription ships
        requires_shipping: true,  // Is this a subscription that must be physically shipped?
    const subscription = {
        note: "This is a Subscription Box",  // Internal notes
        extra: [  // Extra information to include in the order. Each array entry must contain a dictionary with “name” and “value” keys.
                name: "Marketing Campaign",
                value: "Christmas Subscription Box"
    //---- End Settings ----\\

    let _$ = selector => {
        return document.querySelector(selector)
    // Get Product ID of current product page
    const tmiID = _$(".productView .productView-options input[name=product_id]")
    const sbID = _$('.product-info input[name=product_id]')
    const productID = parseInt((tmiID ? tmiID : sbID).value)
    const isSubscriptionProduct = productID === product.id

    // Only add a subscription button if this is the matching subscription product
    if(isSubscriptionProduct) {
        const tmi = _$('#form-action-addToCart')
        const sb = _$('[data-button-purchase]')
        const $addCartButton = tmi ? tmi : sb
        const $quickButton = $addCartButton.cloneNode(true)
        $quickButton.innerHtml = subscriptionButtonText
        $quickButton.value = subscriptionButtonText
        if ($quickButton.children[0]) {
           $quickButton.children[0].innerText = subscriptionButtonText
            $quickButton.children[0].value = subscriptionButtonText
        if ($quickButton.type === 'submit') {
            $quickButton.type = 'button'
        $quickButton.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
            const selectedFrequency = _$('.rca-subscription-frequency-selector')
            const quantity = parseInt(_$('[name="qty[]"]').value)
            const cart = {
                "items": [{
                    "order_interval_unit": product.order_interval_unit,
                    "order_interval_frequency": selectedFrequency ? selectedFrequency.value : product.order_interval_frequency,
                    "quantity": quantity,
                    "product_id": product.id,
                    "variant_id": product.variantId,
                    "price": product.price,
                    "grams": product.weight,
                    "requires_shipping": product.requires_shipping,
                    "title": product.title,
                    "variant_title": product.subtitle
                "note": subscription.note,
                "note_attributes": subscription.extra,
            const $form = document.createElement('form')
            $form.id = '#rca-subscribe-now'
            $form.setAttribute('method', 'post')
            $form.setAttribute('action', `https://checkout.rechargeapps.com/r/checkout?domain=${storeDomain}`)
            const $cart = document.createElement('input')
            $cart.setAttribute('name', 'cart_json')
            $cart.value = JSON.stringify(cart)
        $addCartButton.parentNode.insertBefore($quickButton, $addCartButton.nextSibling)

Checkout page

function addListQuickCart() {
    //---- Product & Subscription Settings ----\\
    const storeDomain = "{{your-store-domain}}.mybigcommerce.com"
    const subscriptionButtonText = 'Subscribe now'
    const products = [{
        id: 1397,
        variantId: 85,
        price: 7000,  // Price in cents
        weight: 6169,  // Weight in grams
        title: "Subscription Box",
        subtitle: "Recurring subscription every 3 months",
        order_interval_unit: "month",  // Can be "day", "week", or "month"
        order_interval_frequency: 3,  // Default value for how often the subscription ships
        requires_shipping: true,  // Is this a subscription that must be physically shipped?
    }]    // hardcoded data to show first 3 results as subscription products
    products.push({...products[0], id: 952}, {...products[0], id: 5960})    const subscription = {
        note: "This is a Subscription Box",  // Internal notes
        extra: [  // Extra information to include in the order. Each array entry must contain a dictionary with "name" and "value" keys.
                name: "Marketing Campaign",
                value: "Christmas Subscription Box"
    }    const selector = {
        product: "[data-product-item]", // every product in category page
        quickView: "[data-quick-shop]", // 'quick view' button inside product. if doesn't exist, don't add 'subscribe now' button
        addToCart: "[data-button-purchase]" // 'add to cart' button inside modal. only loads when quickview button is clicked
    }    //---- End Settings ----\\
    let _$ = (selector, options = {}) => {
        const  {all, parent} = options
        if(all) return (parent|| document).querySelectorAll(selector)
        return (parent || document).querySelector(selector)
    }    const productList = Array.from(_$(selector.product, {all: true}))
    let $addCartButton = null
    let $quickButton = null    function redirectQuickCart(selectedProduct) {
        const selectedFrequency = _$('.rca-subscription-frequency-selector')
        const quantity = parseInt(_$('[name="qty[]"]').value)
        const cart = {
            "items": [{
                "order_interval_unit": selectedProduct.order_interval_unit,
                "order_interval_frequency": selectedFrequency ? selectedFrequency.value : selectedProduct.order_interval_frequency,
                "quantity": quantity,
                "product_id": selectedProduct.id,
                "variant_id": selectedProduct.variantId,
                "price": selectedProduct.price,
                "grams": selectedProduct.weight,
                "requires_shipping": selectedProduct.requires_shipping,
                "title": selectedProduct.title,
                "variant_title": selectedProduct.subtitle
            "note": subscription.note,
            "note_attributes": subscription.extra,
        const $form = document.createElement('form')
        $form.id = '#rca-subscribe-now'
        $form.setAttribute('method', 'post')
        $form.setAttribute('action', `https://checkout.rechargeapps.com/r/checkout?domain=${storeDomain}`)
        const $cart = document.createElement('input')
        $cart.setAttribute('name', 'cart_json')
        $cart.value = JSON.stringify(cart)
    }   function addQuickCartButton($addCartButton, selectedProduct) {
        $quickButton = $addCartButton.cloneNode(true)        if (!$quickButton) return         $quickButton.innerHtml = subscriptionButtonText
        $quickButton.value = subscriptionButtonText        // check if the button label is another element inside the button
        if ($quickButton.children[0]) {
            $quickButton.children[0].innerText = subscriptionButtonText
            $quickButton.children[0].value = subscriptionButtonText
        }        if ($quickButton.type === 'submit') {
            $quickButton.type = 'button'
        }        $quickButton.addEventListener('click', ev => redirectQuickCart(selectedProduct))        $addCartButton.parentNode.insertBefore($quickButton, $addCartButton.nextSibling)
   }    productList.forEach(productElement => {
        const quickViewBtn =_$(selector.quickView, {parent: productElement})
        const productID = parseInt(quickViewBtn.getAttribute('data-product-id'))
        const selectedProduct = products.find(({id}) => id === productID)
        let isSubscriptionProduct = !!selectedProduct        if(isSubscriptionProduct) {
            quickViewBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
                let count = 0                const waitForModal = setInterval(() => {
                    const cartButton = _$(selector.addToCart)
                    if(cartButton) {
                        addQuickCartButton(cartButton, selectedProduct)
                    } else if (count >= 100) {
                    } else {
                }, 100)

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