Self-hosted checkout

This article will walk you through building a self-hosted checkout with Recharge. Use the self-hosted checkout approach to own the checkout process end-to-end while still using our Checkouts API. This solution builds on the Recharge hosted checkout flow. Instead of creating a checkout then redirecting the customer to Recharge, you will redirect the customer to your own checkout pages and capture data about the checkout to send to Recharge for processing.


1. Create a Checkout

Like the Recharge hosted checkout approach, you will build a checkout object using the items in an order:

Example POST to /checkouts

  "line_items": [
      "charge_interval_frequency": 5,
      "cutoff_day_of_month": None,
      "cutoff_day_of_week": None,
      "expire_after_specific_number_of_charges": None,
      "fulfillment_service": "manual",
      "order_day_of_month": None,
      "order_day_of_week": None,
      "order_interval_frequency": 5,
      "order_interval_unit": "day",
      "product_id": <product_id>,
      "quantity": 6,
      "requires_shipping": True,
      "taxable": True,
      "variant_id": <variant_id>,

2. Update Checkout with customer information

The next step is to send the customer to your custom checkout page once you've sent a POST to Recharge creating the Checkout. Collect customer and address infromation from your CSS form fields, then update the Checkout object you created in Step 1.

Example PUT to /checkouts/:id

"shipping_address": {
      "address1": "6419 Ocean Front Walk",
      "address2": "Apt 2",
      "city": "Los Angeles",
      "company": "",
      "country": "United States",
      "first_name": "Novak",
      "last_name": "Djokovic",
      "phone": "1-800-800-8000",
      "province": "California",
      "zip": "90293"

3. Retrieve shipping rates

After you have updated the checkout object, you can make a call to the shipping rates endpoint to retrieve all valid shipping rates for the customer. Shipping options can be set up in shipping settings.

GET to /checkouts/:id/shipping_rates

4. Set the shipping rate

Using the data from the GET to shipping_rates, populate the options onto your checkout page so the customer can select a shipping method.

Example PUT to /checkouts/:id

  "shipping_line": {
    "handle": "<handle from GET /checkout/TOKEN/shipping_rates>"

5. Process Checkout

At this point, you should present the customer with form fields to input their payment information. You're responsible for securely passing this information to a payment processor while adhering to PCI compliance guidelines.

You should receive a customer/payment token in the response from the payment processor.

The final step is sending a POST to the Recharge Checkouts API charge endpoint with this payment token to finalize processing checkout. It is best practice to present the customer with a page that allows them to review their final order before placing it. Once you've processed the checkout, redirect the customer to an order confirmation page.

Example POST to checkouts/:id/charge

  "payment_processor": "stripe",
  "payment_token": "<payment_token>",
  "payment_type": "CREDIT_CARD"

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